Sustainability is an area that is becoming more and more important in the strategies of companies and has become one of our areas of expertise. That's why many brands rely on us to position themselves on these issues in the media
One of them is Hijos de Rivera, a corporation with which we work for all its brands (Estrella Galicia, Cabreiroá, 1906, Ponte da Boga, among others), for which we promote all its projects and initiatives of positive impact, and which has just joined the B Corp movement.
Other clients who are committed to sustainability and include it in all their projects are Hinojosa Packaging Group, European leaders in innovation and sustainable packaging solutions; EDP, a leading energy company in renewable energy production, ranked number one globally in sustainability among electric utilities in the Dow Jones Index; and ING, a banking company with a significant sustainability policy. There is still much to be done, but we are proud to be part of committed companies eager to change the world.